Celebs React to Death of Libyan Dictator Moammar Gadhafi

As the people of Libya rejoice over the death of ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi Thursday, celebrities and TV personalities took to Twitter to voice their feelings.

"This is a time to start a new Libya, with a new economy, with a new education and with a new health system — with one future," Mahmoud Jibril, Libya's transitional prime minister, said (via CNN.com) after Gadhafi was pronounced dead.

Read on for what Hollywood had to say about the late 69-year-old Libyan dictator, who held power for 42 years before being overthrown earlier this year.

Saturday Night Live comic Seth Meyers: Gadhaffi's last words were "How my hair look, Mike?" #Unconfirmed

CNN's Piers Morgan, linking to an image of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's reaction to the news of his death: Ever wondered how a Secretary of State would react to news of #Gadhafi being caught? Here you go….. http://mediaite.com/a/zcxje #Wowza

Actor Wilmer Valderrama: US. S of State Hillary Clinton's a G![GANGSTA], Love Hillary! RT Candid reaction 2 report of Gadhafi's death @CBSNews

The Soup's Joel McHale, referencing Star Wars: "Gadhafi Caught! Is there nothing Boba Fett can't do!

Actress Holly Robinson Peete: Wow Gadhafi was in power for 42 years??? Talk about no term limits! #alongasstime

PHOTOS: The week's top news pics

Actor Bob Saget, referring to comic Jeffrey Ross, who wore a uniform to resemble Gadhafi at Charlie Sheen's roast: I hope they didn't get @realjeffreyross by mistake. CNN: BREAKING: Gadhafi captured, says military council on Libyan TV.

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Comedian Jeffrey Ross: Moammar Gaddhafi is dead. He's survived by his brothers Larry Gadhafi and Curly Gadhafi.

Comedian Steve Martin: Lunch with Gadhafi, cancelled.
