As the people of Libya rejoice over the death of ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi Thursday, celebrities and TV personalities took to Twitter to voice their feelings.
"This is a time to start a new Libya, with a new economy, with a new education and with a new health system — with one future," Mahmoud Jibril, Libya's transitional prime minister, said (via after Gadhafi was pronounced dead.
Read on for what Hollywood had to say about the late 69-year-old Libyan dictator, who held power for 42 years before being overthrown earlier this year.
Saturday Night Live comic Seth Meyers: Gadhaffi's last words were "How my hair look, Mike?" #Unconfirmed
CNN's Piers Morgan, linking to an image of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's reaction to the news of his death: Ever wondered how a Secretary of State would react to news of #Gadhafi being caught? Here you go….. #Wowza
Actor Wilmer Valderrama: US. S of State Hillary Clinton's a G![GANGSTA], Love Hillary! RT Candid reaction 2 report of Gadhafi's death @CBSNews
The Soup's Joel McHale, referencing Star Wars: "Gadhafi Caught! Is there nothing Boba Fett can't do!
Actress Holly Robinson Peete: Wow Gadhafi was in power for 42 years??? Talk about no term limits! #alongasstime
PHOTOS: The week's top news pics
Actor Bob Saget, referring to comic Jeffrey Ross, who wore a uniform to resemble Gadhafi at Charlie Sheen's roast: I hope they didn't get @realjeffreyross by mistake. CNN: BREAKING: Gadhafi captured, says military council on Libyan TV.
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Comedian Jeffrey Ross: Moammar Gaddhafi is dead. He's survived by his brothers Larry Gadhafi and Curly Gadhafi.
Comedian Steve Martin: Lunch with Gadhafi, cancelled.